Friday, July 30, 2010

Bun in the oven....

And I don't mean cinnamon rolls, which do sound really good right now!! But I am talking about a little soon to be baby Olson! Yes, Darrin and I are expecting our first child who is due to arive somewhere around March 4th! I have just noticed that there are alot of exclamations in this post so far but I think I am just really excited about all this baby stuff... So in case you are doing any calculations I am 9wks along. I know that's not that far but I can't keep it a secret any longer. So far just the usual symptoms I think... Not feeling all that great most of the time (like sick to my stomach), but it is actually getting a wee bit better I think?! If not getting better, then I am just getting used to it!! haha The exhaustion is really getting to me though. Pretty much by 7:00pm I am worthless. It was especially bad this week because we went to Chanute last weekend and that wore me out with all the driving, staying up later than usual and visiting with family and friends. At first Darrin didn't know what to make of my pathetic self, but he is getting used to it and is being a great help to me already.

So thus far, no names picked out or anything like that.. We do want to find out what we are having so that we can plan accordingly and get sex appropriate stuff for the baby room and pick our a name (or two) that we like...

I will keep you updated on any new developments and will post pics along the way!