Sunday, August 29, 2010

13 wks!

Well, here we are.. starting the 13wk of this journey and amazed at how slow at times and quickly at others the last few weeks have seemed to have gone! I have a few new updates since the last post. I am finally starting to feel better and not as nauseous and tired as I was there around weeks 7-11. I am getting my appetite back and starting to eat more which is causing me to gain a few lbs, which was bound to happen sometime I guess! As far as body changes go, I am now not able to button my pants. My dress pants were the last to go, but I plan on extending the life of them by using a "bella band", "tummy sleve" or whatever brand name you want to call it to help me to keep my pants up while having them unbuttoned/unzipped. Sara and Lindsay said they were a wardrobe blessing so I went and got a couple yesterday and am actually wearing one today and it working pretty good so far. I did the rubberband thing last week, but has been a struggle with dress pants because they don't have a button. I broke down and bought my first pair of maternity jeans yesterday and they fit pretty good and are actually really cute!

I got the "Belly Book" (Pregnancy journal) and have started putting some things in it. It has spaces for a belly shot every week, but I didn't get it until last weekend and haden't been too good about taking my picture, so the first trimester is pretty much blank except for ultrasound pics and some thoughts, ect, but I am going to try to keep it up because I think it will be cool to look back on later. Darrin said I should have bought 2 so that way it would motivate me more to do the same thing for our second baby in a few more years... that is if I think I still want to have another one after I get done having this one!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

OB appt # 2

I had my 10 week checkup today. I have lost 4lbs since last time, but probalby is attributed to my tummy troubles. My blood pressure was fine at 120/65. Dr. Bellman tried to use a thing on my stomach to hear the heartbeat but it was to early for that or maybe there was too much (um.. tissue on my abdomen) getting in the way of it. So she had me go in the ultrasound room and have one done just to make sure that they could still hear a heartbeat and everything was fine. I was hoping I didn't jynx myself by telling everyone about it so soon. But she said it all looked great. I was really amazed to see the differnce in the size since my last appt. I think it is about 1 and a half inches long now when it was like as long as a grain of rice at my first appt! I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. You have to kind of use your imagination on seeing the parts in the picture. But when the technician was doing it I could see arms, legs that were bent at the knee. It was pretty cool. I wish Darrin could have been there but maybe next time. I think he would be pretty amazed at seeing that little image on the screen of our little "Darriana" as he likes to call it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick

Ok, so the whole bit in my last post about my tummy troubles getting better... well not so much. I don't know if I ate something I shouldn't have yesterday or what but I have been really sick since last night. I even missed work today because I can't keep anything down and in the office is the last place I want to be when I am throwing up even my water! I am kind of worried that I am dehydrated because I have lost 1.5 lbs since yesterday. I have eaten a popsicle and just a bit ago a peach and have kept that down, so maybe it is over for now. The worst part of it is that Darrin is gone now. I took him to the airport this morning and tried not to get sick in the car while driving on the interstate on the way back!!! But that is probably good for him, because I am no fun to be around when I am sick! I tend to be kind of winey! I have my OB appt tomorrow so maybe she will have some more advise for me or maybe I will be feeling great when I go. I just never know!!
Ok enough with the wo-is-me bit. Sorry!