Sunday, February 5, 2012

As promised

I know several days ago I promised pictures of Landon.. well here they are!

On Daddy's Shoulders ( I don't know why this one is turned like this!)

Eating a snack.

Hanging out in the Wagon

So as far as developmental updates.. we are now 11 months old!

Toast, noodles, Cheerios, crackers, Baby puffs, Most fruits, some in bite sized pieces (he loves strawberries like his Momma and kiwi!) and some still pureed, few veggies mainly , some meat, LOVES yogurt (even my homemade variety and thick Greek yogurt) and all other dairy products like block cheese and cottage cheese, anything off of your spoon, sweets (but he gets VERY limited sugar) and water to drink. I have tried putting formula in his sippy cup and he won't drink it nor does he really care for juice. So for now since he is still taking a bottle for milk, water in the sippy cup it is.

Yea! We are now sleeping through the night most nights. Occassionally he will wake up crying really hard around 2 or 3 and I have been getting up with him then but for the most part he is sleeping very well. I am so happy to not have to feed him twice each night! More rest for everyone is very nice!

Everywhere!!!!! He is a super fast crawler and can walk along the furniture and go from the coffee table to the couch without falling to the ground. I have also noticed him using the walls to walk instead of just dropping to the floor and crawling. He will on occassion stand by himself in one spot for a few seconds but it too scared to take more than one step. He can push the chairs around in the kitchen by walking and can push his walking toy and loves to do that!

He has discovered he can clap his hands and thinks it is so fun! Sometimes he does not want to eat his food so after he takes a bite I will clap and he will smile and clap and he is much more eager to take the next bite if he knows I will clap and cheer for him (typical male.. needs to be cheered for for everything he does! Hahaha) He like to take things out of their container. I put him in his pack and play when I work on stuff sometimes and he will cry if the toys are all strung out in there, however if the toys are all in a bin in there he is ok because he can work on emptying them out. A fully stocked pantry closet = FUN! An already emptied pantry closet = BORING! Same for book shelves!