Monday, July 18, 2011


It seems like every time I leave my house I am disappointed with either the place I am shopping at or the way people drive or really just about anything. Take today for example, I went to Wal-Mart to take a CD in to have my pictures developed in the 1 hr machine. I get there and follow the steps and insert my disc... nothing happens.... nothing happens..... So I take it out and try the next maching over... still nothing happens and the machines won't read my disc. I finally find a group of "associates" and ask them if they work in the photo lab.. No none of them did of course, so they paged someone. Like 5 minutes later a girl walks over rather slowly and non-friendly looking and instead of asking me if she could help me she just looks at me and another couple standing there. They just needed to pay for some pictures so I told them to go in front of me. When it was my turn I told her what my problem was and all she said was, "I guess the maching can't read your CD." Silence on both ends..... Well, I said, is there something wrong with the machine? She said that it can't read it and the USB reader does not work either. She told me I could use the instant printer machine, but I had 150 pictures to print! I did not want to pay the extra $.10 per picture to print them and on top of that, stand there while it printed 150 pictures. I just wanted to drop it off and leave! And it wasn't like it was "out of order" and that they were fixing it, they know it does not work and still do not fix it. I should have asked to talk to a manager or something but I am just not the type of person to complain at the time.. I just seem to vent later. (I need to change that if I want change to happen I guess) I left there so pissed because I hate Walmart and the way they just don't care! The carts are CRAP! The store is DIRTY! The people are UNFRIENDLY! and last time I tried to do a complaint online it made me put in my receipt #, but the printer that did my receipt was so shitty that I couldn't even read the numbers on the receipt! I am now boycotting Walmart and have started the process of downloading all 150 of my pictures to Snapfish. I think that is one reason why people do so much online shopping.. you don't have to deal with "associates" and crappy machines that don't work and dirty stores!

And the sad thing is that it's just not Walmart! There is trash everywhere in parking lots, on the streets, in yards. People drive way too fast and cut you off and there seems to be an overall lack of respect for other people or pride in your work. I don't know if it is a southern thing, but almost every server we have at restaurants are slow, lazy, don't get you what you need and seem to not want to help you. And I am not one to special order too much or send food back or anything like that!

Anyway, I just don't like where it seems things are going and I am not even old yet! I am sure the older I get the worse I will feel about the world. Maybe I will go out this afternoon and will have an experience that will change my mind from this morning.... now that's a good attitude to have! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 mo stats and pics!

So, we had Landon's 4 month Dr's appointment- shots and all yesterday.

He weighs 14lbs, 7oz and is 24.5 inches tall. That keeps him at the 50th percentile for weight and still 25th percentile for height. His head circumference is still in the 50th percentile as well. So growing steadily since his 2 month appointment.

He got a liquid medicine and two shots.. one in each leg. He screamed while they were being performed (of course) but after I picked him up he was just fine. I haven't seen any side effects of the shots so hopefully it will all be smooth sailin'. I am so proud of him and how he is growing. She did say if I wanted to start some solid foods like rice cereal or some veggies, ect. I could or I could wait until the 6 month mark. I am ok with just doing breastmilk for now until he seems like he needs or wants something else but she did reccommend I start him on some vitamins. So I will pick that up at my next shopping trip... But all in all he did great and is right on track! Which makes me a proud Mama to say the least!

Here are some recent pics of my little prince... Enjoy!! :)

Fun in the tub!!!

Fun in the sun on our first swimming adventure!

Looking so grown up in Mommy's rocking chair!

Friday, July 8, 2011

4 months

As with all of my posts, this one is waaaayyyy over due! I am a horrible blogger but I have a hard time setting aside time to do it.

Landon will be 4 months old tomorrow so here is an update..

We go to the doctor on Monday for his second set of shots and he will get weighed so I don't know his current weight, but he seems to be getting heavy and it is starting to hurt my back constantly picking him up and carrying him around.

He can sit up if he is supported. I put his Boppy pillow on the floor and he can sit up pretty good against that and play with toys on the floor.

He still loves his Bumbo, but will only want to sit in it for a few minutes. To make it a little safer having him in it in the kitchen we put it in his wooden high chair that we got from Michele and that way he is more secure in it.

He likes to throw his toys off of the tray on the high chair, but doesn't like the loud sound they make when they hit the floor. He still startles easily but I think we are getting better about that. If he hears a loud noise he looks at me to decide if he needs to cry and I usually try to smile and talk to him so then he will smile too.

I thought we were done with swaddling! He went about a week without being swaddled for naps or at nighttime. Then one night after he had been asleep for about an hour, he started screaming and I could not get him calmed down. I tried the pacifier, rocking him, swaying him, bouncing him.... nothing worked. So I got the blankets out and wrapped him up as tight as I could. I laid him in the crib and he would take his pacifier and within 30 seconds to 1 minute he had stopped crying altogether and was asleep very shortly after that! What the heck!!!! I was so excited at the thought of not having to swaddle him for a couple reasons...1. I feel like I am punishing him because he does not have access to his arms. 2. I pretty much have to do the swaddling or else he comes out of it. 3. Since he is wrapped up he gets hot so I have to keep the AC cooler than I normally would. 4. I want him to be able to sleep without being dependent on it. I guess I will just have to take it day by day.

He puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth and drools constantly.

He does not spit up as much, but now he is drooling all over the place, but I guess that is better than something that smells like sour milk.

We are still breastfeeding and I do not see an end to that in the near future. I have however started trying to give him one bottle a day so that when he goes back to Chanute I will be able to leave him for a little bit. He had been doing ok with them, but I had quit because it was extra work for me to have to pump and then still feed him froma bottle. Then because he wasn't used to them when we tried he would throw fits and refuse the bottle.

He had been rolling over really well from his stomach to his back, but he hasn't done if for a few days. I think he forgot how to do it. He has tried to go from the back to the stomach, but can't quite get there yet.

He makes alot of sounds and smiles alot. He loves the dogs and will smile at them when they walk by. He likes to watch me or Daddy feed Maddie.

He still likes going for walks in his stroller and falls asleep within a few minutes.

We have joined a playgroup and he likes to interact with other babies... especially girl babies! :)

He hates when I am on the computer!! He finds it so boring and squirms when on my lap and cries when I lay him on the bed or on the floor with toys while I do it! Another reason why I don't hardly ever blog or post on Facebook!

Last weekend at Lisa's apartment we took him swimming in her pool. The first day he was ok with the water.. He didn't cry or really smile. The second day he smiled alot and even kicked his legs when I bobbed him up and down and held him on his tummy as I walked him around the pool..

I haven't uploaded pics in awhile so I will post some when I update you with his 4 month stats from his Dr's appt Monday!