Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kook Kat

I finally broke down and bought Landon some baby shades. So, he had to model them for me, which I got a kick out of....

Hey Dude!!

'Sup Ladies!!!

So long overdue!

As I looked at my last post I realized it has been almost 2 months since my last one!!.. Bad Blogger!!!

So I thought I should fill everyone in. Most of you who read this blog saw Landon in Chanute a few weeks ago, but he has added new things to his list on what he can do! He can now....

* Reach out to grab at the toys haning down from his activity mat arches. There is this monkey that hangs up there by his tail, but if you pull on it it will come down. He likes to pull at the monkey and make the rattles move.

* He is now sitting in his Bumbo seat and likes to be in there when I am in the kitchen working on stuff. (It is a great help to me!! :)

* He doesn't really like to be reclined too much anymore... only certain times like storytime, ect. He would rather be propped sitting upright.

* He has on a few occassions rolled over from his tummy to his back, but can't go from back to tummy yet.

* He smiles alot now and is making more cooing sounds and likes to talk to me.

* He has been making some sounds when he smiles like little laughs, but yesterday he actually laughed out loud like a giggle that lasted for a couple seconds. It really did sound like a laugh. I caught some of it on video, but he didn't go for as long when I got the camera out... so typical! It was hilarious because I think it suprised him that he was making those sounds, so he would get his startled face on then I would smile and that would get him back to laughing!

* He is using his hands way more and is putting them in his mouth, grasping for things and holding some stuff in his hands and taking them from me. He also likes to be kind of grabby while nursing... not such a good thing for me!

* He is sleeping most night from 7:00 pm to about 3:00 am. Then will nurse and go back to sleep until 6 or 6:30. I wish he would sleep later because I am not an early riser, but I can't really complain because he is going to bed at 7:00! He takes about 3 naps a day. I know he is getting up early when he needs a nap by 8:00am! We don't really have a nap schedule or anything, it just kind of depends on how long he naps. I used to be lucky to get about 30-40 minutes out of a nap, but in the last few days he has taken a little bit longer naps. I don't know if it is because he is getting older but I will take it while it lasts.

Did I mention he now liks to stick his tongue out all the time!!