Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby Shower

I had such an amazing time last weekend in Chanute for my baby shower. It was so fun and I got such wonderful things from everyone. Baby Olson definitely has a great start on the stuff he needs! All of the pictures that were taken were done on my Mom's camera so I don't have any yet, but I will post some when I get them. Thanks again to everyone who came and send gifts. December already is a super busy month and trying to squeeze in one more thing can be tough, so I really apprecitate it!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby Olson in 4D

Yesterday I had my 26 wk Dr appt. They did my glucose screening, gave me a flu shot and did a 4D ultrasound. Here are some stats that we found out during the ultrasound:
Weight: 2lbs, 3oz
Head: Meausring at 28wks, 3 days instead of 26 wks, 6 days... Yikes! :) She said it was normal for the head to sometimes measure ahead (no pun intended)of schedule
Heart rate: 156 bpm
He has moved down into the correct position with his head down. Hopefully he will stay like that!

So far it looks like we have us a healthy little baby! :)

Of course the day that we are looking forward to getting some great shots of him, he decides to sleep, not move and look away from the camera. Even with quite a bit of trying to wake him up he still wouldn't budge... Maybe a sign of a good sleeper??!! We still did get a few pictures of his face which I was happy with.

This one is of his feet, which he has crossed at his ankles.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Double Digits

I am now officially in the double digit number of days until my due date! On Saturday it will be exactly 3 months until this baby is due... crazy! We were thinking about it last night as I was putting baby clothes away (Thanks again Sara) that it is going to be here before we know it!

We start our Chilbirth Preparation class tomorrow night so that should be interesting. I am not sure what to expect. Hopefully it will be something that we can use to help us (me) with the delivery. It is a 3 evening class. Dec 14th we have our prenatal tour of the hospital where they will pre-register us and show us where the L & D rooms and stuff are. It might be a little early, but with Darrin's class schedule it can be hard to do things in the evenings. He is done with classes until the start of next semester in January, so now was a good time to get some of that stuff done.

My Doctor had her baby this week. She was supposed to see me yesterday and then go in for a C section today, but her office called me Monday to re-schedule. So I am now going in tomorrow to see another doctor. Hopefully all goes well with that. We are going to try to do the 4D ultrasound so I will post pics of that when we get them.. Hopefully he cooperates with us!!!