Friday, March 18, 2011

Changing Every Day!!!

I think he changes every day! Here are some more pictures of him...

Trying out our bouncy seat...

After a feeding...

Getting ready to go to our first Doctors appointment yesterday.... I think he looks sooooo grown up here!!

Birth Day!

So, it has been 9 days since Landon's birthday, but time sure flys when you have a newborn around the house!!

So, we went into the hospital Tuesday night at Midnight to be induced for Wednesday morning. When I went in they were supposed to give me a pill to help my cervix to soften to prepare for the pitocin, but I was already 2cm dilated and they thought it might take me into labor in the middle of the night and they did not want to have to call a Dr. in, so we waited until 5:00 am for that. It was a long night and I did not really get any sleep because of the anticipation for what was to come the next morning. At 9:00 am, my Dr. came in and broke my water and started me on Pitocin. I thought it would hurt when she broke my water, but it really didn't. But, as soon as that was broken and I was on my drip, I could immediately feel my contractions and they were alot worse than any of the contractions I thought I was having on my own in the middle of the night! The Dr. told me I could have my epidural at any time, but I didn't know how long I should wait. They started to get stronger and hurt way more as the time went on. At 10:30 am I asked for my epidural and within 10 minutes the anesthesiologist was in my room to give me that. It did not hurt getting the epidural except for the 3 contractions I had while he was getting it all in and having to stay completely still. But, once that was in within a few more minutes I could feel no contraction pain!!! It was such a relief, but then I started itching in my face and chest. Darrin got me a wet washcloth and I would rub my face with that and it helped alot. Within an hour the itching was gone though and I was doning pretty well. I only had one small bout with nausea and I think that was because my family all came in and were talking and walking around and it was just too much movement for me. But after I threw up once, I was fine after that. The nurse came back in and checked me about 12:15 and I was at 4cm, so some progress but not too much. Then after that I went really fast and by 1:30 I was at 7cm, then at 2:30 I was fully dilated at 10cm. Towards the end I could start to feel my contractions and was in some pain, but not too bad. The nurse said at that point that she could up my epidural meds or stay at the same level. She said if I stayed at the same level I would probably be able to push better and once I was pushing the pressure would go away during my contractions. So, she got me set up to push and 45 minutes later I was delivering my beautiful baby boy! Once his head came out they realized that he was face up and not face down like he was supposed to be for delivery. They were amazed that I was able to push him out so well and not have to have a C-section. I'm really glad that I was able to deliver him on my own. He weighed 6lbs, 15oz and was 19 inches long. He had some bruising on his eyes (from hitting my pelvis), a crazy lopsided cone head full of dark black hair, but to me he was georgous!

March 9, 2011 was a long, tiring day, but was the best day of my life. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy baby. I could not ask for anything better. Darrin was such a great help to me on that day and every day since. He was there for me when I needed him and did such an amazing job helping me through labor and delivery. I could not have done it without him. Since that day, he has been a wonderful father to Landon. He had changed just as many if not more dirty diapers as me and has done more than his fair share of the night-time baby watch. I just know that he is going to be a great Dad!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Due Today!?


Today is the date I have been waiting for since my first doctor's appointment in July. I kind of doubt that I will be having the baby today, but it is still early so I guess you never know. We do have a schedule to induce on Wednesday if he has not came by then. I do not like the idea of being induced, but like knowing that there is an end in sight when we will have our baby. Now, if it does come to the induction, hopefully it will work and I will be able to deliver the baby vaginally and not have to have a C section. I kind of worry about that, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

We are getting really anxious and I can't keep myself busy enough. I am really bored and have nothing to do. I have pretty much cleaned everything that I can and am just wanting to have more fun things to do, but I don't have alot of energy to do much active stuff. I have a feeling that this weekend is going to be tough having stuff to do to keep me busy. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow and Darrin said he would vacuum for me, which wears me out pretty bad. Then we will probably go grocery shopping. I normally go during the week, but for some reason he wants to go, which is not too bad because I won't have to carry all the bags out to the car and in to the house by myself! But I hate Walmart during the weekend. I have gotten spoiled by getting to go during the day on the weekdays when it is less busy.

My mom is going to come on Sunday, so it will be good to have her here to help keep me company for the few days before I deliver.( or to be here in case I go into labor before Wednesday!)

I need to get off my butt and try to find something to do!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Nursery

I also don't think I have put up any pictures of the nursery since we got stuff put in it. It is not finished and is kind of cluttered now because some of the stuff in there like the swing, bouncer and stroller will be other places in the house and we will probably move the glider in there in that corner. I don't have anything for the walls yet but one of these days he will have a name and pictures to put in all the cute frames we have gotten as gifts. Then I am sure that the 6 pictures of Darrin and I in the living room will be replaced with 10 pictures of him. Also, after he arrives, I have 2 more willow tree angels to add to my collection (New Dad and New Life). I just have them in the boxes in the closet right now. I have thought about getting them out but feel like if I do I might jynx myself or something, so I am waiting until I have him to put those out. Ok, that has nothing to do with the nursery... sorry.... Here it is.....

39 week pics

This is my official 39 wk, 3 days photo. I don't think I have been brave enough to show one with a bare belly and if I am going to do it, I better do it soon. I don't think the skin on my stomach is ever going to be this tight nor will it ever be this firm again probably!!!! haha If the sight of huge blue veins, white skin and some mysterious purpleish marks make you sick, please skip over that bare belly picture!!!