Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby updates, etc.

I had my 23 wk dr appointment yesterday and everything seemed to be fine. They didn't do too much, but my next appointment is in 3 wks when I will do my glucose screening to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes and we will get to do another ultrasound. It will be a 4D ultrasound, so hopefully "Carl" will cooperate with us and we will get some good shots. I am really excited for that! Darrin felt him kick for the first time last weekend. He was kicking harder than usual and I put Darrin's hand in the same spot that he last kicked and within a few seconds he did it again and Darrin could actually feel it. He was so excited to join me in that fun of feeling him. He continues to kick with more frequency and moves around alot more than before. At least I know that he is still going strong in there! Last night I could actually see my skin move when he kicked. That was kind of weird but cool. We finished up painting the nursery and got the trim hung up. I am really happy with how it turned out and we put the crib together. So it is getting more real now having that done.

Monday, November 1, 2010

22 wks

I haven't posted a picture in awhile so I thought I should let y'all know what I look like. I really haven't grown very much in the last few weeks, and is hard to tell how big I really am in different outfits, but you can get the idea. "Carl" has been moving around alot more now and just always seems to know when I need to pee really bad and then wants to kick me in the bladder. Othen than then he usually moves the most at night like after I have eaten dinner and when I first go to bed. We have started working on the nursery and have painted part of the room so far. We will finish it up this weekend I think and then we can move his stuff in there. The office and Darrin's room are messes becaue we have everything crammed in there that we would normally have in there. I have also bought some bigger items for "Carl" so they are taking up alot of room also. I just don't know what we are going to do with this baby's stuff. It seems like our house is kind of cramped as it is! I don't know how we will have 2 kids in this house and it has 4 bedrooms! (But they are small and there is no family room or den.. it is just a living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bath, 4 bedrooms and a small laundry room) I guess we will just have to make room and get rid of some of our stuff I think!