Tuesday, April 19, 2011

End of the 5th week pics

Landon will be 6wks tomorrow and I have taken a few pictures this past week... You will see a reoccuring theme with these pictures... he is laying on his changing table. I think I have had the camera in there all this week. Also, he is usually always happy when he is on there. I think it is because he is getting so much attention and likes to have his diaper changed. He likes being dressed too, once I put his head through his shirt... He doesn't like that part so much.

Happy Boy first thing in the morning....

In jammies after an evening bath, trying to get him to smile for the camera..

After a nice, soothing bath...

This morning in his duckie outfit.. with crazy hair! (It seemed to be extra poofy today.. I think it might be the humidity?)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1 Month

Landon was 1 month old yesterday! I think it seems like more than that some days and way less others. Becoming a Mommy is the best thing I have ever done and I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful son!

Some 1 month stats:

Weight: 8lbs, 11oz
Height: 20.5 inches

He now has a "pouty" face lower lip and when he cries he has actual tears and sniffles like a big person... evehthough I don't like to see or hear him cry! :(

When he is on his tummy he lifts his head up and legs up like he is doing the "fish" exercises and is getting strong.

He follows you when move objects in front of him.. He is discovering the mobile on his crib (which he is never hardly in) and his swing (which he is in alot).

He is filling out quite nicely and is getting chubby arms and thighs. He has a crease mid-forearm and some roles on his thighs...

He used to hate diaper changes but likes them during the day... but not so much at night.

He is holding his head up alot better and likes to be upright, like with his head up on your shoulder but not hold his head still so it is almost impossible to keep his head from bobbling around!

He has taken his first bottle and is starting to get the hang of it, but he is still nursed 90% of the time and likes it alot better (thank God.. I was worried he would prefer the bottle)

He has on occassion wrapped his fingers in his hair and pulled, which causes him to scream, so I have to remove the deathgrip he has on his hair, and then he calms down! haha

Speaking of hair, his hair is about 1.5 inches long on top if you stand it straight up and hangs down past his collar..I will probably be putting it in a ponytail before he is 6 months old or he gets a haircut.

Landon and Dad taking a nap.... not really, but it is a cute picture!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Newborn Pics

We had Landon's picture taken when he was 6 days old and I have the proofs back!

To view,

I was so happy with how they turned out and really glad that I had them done!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fun in the Tub

So, I have been giving Landon sponge baths for way too long. I just kept forgetting to get him a tub when I would go to Wal-Mart and it was easy to just wipe him off. But he would scream nearly every time I guess because he was cold, so I finally got him a big boy tub! He LOVES IT! The first night I used it Darrin was in the shower and I did not have my camera handy but I wish I would have because it was adorable to see him enjoying the warm water. But last night, we got some pics!

Landon and Mom.. he hasn't gotten the memo yet that he is supposed to look at the camera :)

Enjoying a nice massage

Crazy hair all sudsed up