Monday, September 26, 2011

6 months!

Landon has officially hit the half year mark and I have no idea where the time has gone.
Here are some stats from our 6 mo checkup:

Weight: 17lbs, 3oz (50%)
Height: 251/2 inches (25%)

He is wearing 6-9 mo clothes and can even fit into a 2T K-State sweatshirt I found in a drawer today... I couldn't believe it... Just a bit long on the sleeves, but not too bad! I guess I know what we will be wearing when it gets cooler... if that ever happens!

He has started eating some solid foods. I am making my baby food from scratch and he is finally starting to like my cooking. The foods we have tried so far are sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, bananas, and apples. He doesn't care much for rice cereal so I don't push it. I have on a few occasions mixed it in with the food, but he seems to be able to tell and doesn't want to eat it as much. Eating for him is a very messy evtnt. I usually strip him down to a diaper and put a bib on him and go for it. He likes to get his hands involved and help me put the spoon to his mouth.. whatever it takes I guess. I am still breastfeeding and occassionally supplmenting with formula. It is going good still so I am going to try to keep it up for as long as I can.

He is not crawling yet, but is moving all around by rolling. I can tell he is trying to get up on all fours and move but just hasn't quite got there yet and I am not pushing it!! His limited mobility is fine with me! He is sitting up completely on his own which is nice not to have to prop him up!

Landon is such a joy to be around and I feel so blessed to be his mama. He is growing and changing every day and becoming more and more his own person.

My sweet baby boy!