Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Operation Clean Up and Cleaning Out

How do we get so over run with stuff? I don't know about you but I feel like my life is being taken over with random stuff... most of which I do not use. After trying to cram my groceries in to my pantry and cabinets and get everything under my bathroom sink I decided I am going to clean out the clutter...

Now I don't mean just throwing stuff away; I am challenging myself to USE IT UP!
So instead of buying new lotion, I will use up what I already have.. Who really needs 4 different deodorants in their gear box (my box I keep under my sink of the stuff I use to get ready in the mornings)? I counted, I have 4 deodorants, 4 different hair products that I don't use, 3 special facial creams that I bought for one reason or another that have gotten lost in the shuffle and don't seem to make it in to my routine. That is just the start of it all. I recently got some really good coupons for toothpaste, so I bought 4, when I already had 2 under the sink. It will take me forever to use it up and my house is not set up for stockpiling. I think it is great for people to have stuff on hand that they got for a deal, but it is just not me. I am not set up for that. I like to have about 1 extra on hand but that is about it.

Now my kitchen is another story. I have 3 boxes of partially used granola bars and 3 containers of oatmeal, each which are a bit different and are opened. I just want life to be more simple. I am really trying to clean out the clutter in my house and my life. Clutter makes me anxious. I think that is why I do not like my office in my house. It is too cluttered and things collect dust and look bad and it just bothers me. I want to take care of it but just don't feel like I have a place for it all. Which means I need to spend some time throwing unused items away or donating them if possible and organizing what I need and use to make it more efficient.

I think if I would have saved the money I spent on this stuff that I am begrudgingly (sp?) trying to use up I would have alot more in the bank than I do now and I would appreciate what I have more. But I like to buy stuff! I like the feeling of using something new for the first time. Looking at sale ads and thinking I am going to be stocked up and save a boatload... do I really save when I buy things I don't use or let go bad? Um... no.

The answer?? Do not buy anything that you are going to have to store for a long period of time before using and think if you really need it or could get buy with using something you already have to do the same job. Use up what I have before buying more. This philosophy does not pertain to all things or all people, so if you are reading this and becoming offended, please do not be. This is not my intention. I am just trying to make it public that I will be buying the bare minimum to keep things going and you may be getting partially used bottles of lotion and half burned candles for Christmas! Hahaha :)

This is going to challenge me to create recipes from food I already have and buy very little. I am hoping I can decrease my bill a little bit as well as the clutter in my home.

With Christmas rolling around and what I am sure will be a large influx of new items in my home, I think this is the perfect time to take on this challenge and new mindset.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This post is almost 2 weeks behind, but when we got back from our last trip to Kansas at the end of October, Landon was able to put the arms and legs together and crawl. He has been doing planks, and scoots for quite awhile, but couldn't get the coordination to put one hand in front of the other while moving the knees. The same day that he learned to crawl I discovered his first tooth! I was thinking woah!! slow down... one thing at a time! Now that he can crawl he wants to be everywhere he is not supposed to be. Like on the fireplace bricks pulling on the cover knobs (oh no)and under the bench getting at the cords for the lamp! He is also starting to climb up on stuff, low stuff like his little bouncy/rocking chair, Foxy's steps to her basket (Foxy does not like this new skill of Landon's!!). He has not gotten brave enough to do tall stuff like the couch, etc (yet). I am just waiting for that!

He is eating a wide variety of foods but pretty much refuses to eat green veggies like peas. I need to try him on green beans again to see if he will still eat them. I have even tried to dillute the peas out so much that ther was hardly any in there but he still refuses! Maybe he just doesn't like them... Darrin doesn't like peas so I don't serve them very often by themselves, but use them alot when in mixed vegetables.

We have been dealing with some sleep problems for pretty much the past 2 months and I am on the verge of weaning him off of night time feedings. He must sense this because he has been only waking up one time a night and sleeping in a little later for the past 3 nights. I think he is ready but i will let you know because I will be doing this starting this weekend and am going to be keeping a detailed log of what happens. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

6 months!

Landon has officially hit the half year mark and I have no idea where the time has gone.
Here are some stats from our 6 mo checkup:

Weight: 17lbs, 3oz (50%)
Height: 251/2 inches (25%)

He is wearing 6-9 mo clothes and can even fit into a 2T K-State sweatshirt I found in a drawer today... I couldn't believe it... Just a bit long on the sleeves, but not too bad! I guess I know what we will be wearing when it gets cooler... if that ever happens!

He has started eating some solid foods. I am making my baby food from scratch and he is finally starting to like my cooking. The foods we have tried so far are sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, bananas, and apples. He doesn't care much for rice cereal so I don't push it. I have on a few occasions mixed it in with the food, but he seems to be able to tell and doesn't want to eat it as much. Eating for him is a very messy evtnt. I usually strip him down to a diaper and put a bib on him and go for it. He likes to get his hands involved and help me put the spoon to his mouth.. whatever it takes I guess. I am still breastfeeding and occassionally supplmenting with formula. It is going good still so I am going to try to keep it up for as long as I can.

He is not crawling yet, but is moving all around by rolling. I can tell he is trying to get up on all fours and move but just hasn't quite got there yet and I am not pushing it!! His limited mobility is fine with me! He is sitting up completely on his own which is nice not to have to prop him up!

Landon is such a joy to be around and I feel so blessed to be his mama. He is growing and changing every day and becoming more and more his own person.

My sweet baby boy!

Monday, July 18, 2011


It seems like every time I leave my house I am disappointed with either the place I am shopping at or the way people drive or really just about anything. Take today for example, I went to Wal-Mart to take a CD in to have my pictures developed in the 1 hr machine. I get there and follow the steps and insert my disc... nothing happens.... nothing happens..... So I take it out and try the next maching over... still nothing happens and the machines won't read my disc. I finally find a group of "associates" and ask them if they work in the photo lab.. No none of them did of course, so they paged someone. Like 5 minutes later a girl walks over rather slowly and non-friendly looking and instead of asking me if she could help me she just looks at me and another couple standing there. They just needed to pay for some pictures so I told them to go in front of me. When it was my turn I told her what my problem was and all she said was, "I guess the maching can't read your CD." Silence on both ends..... Well, I said, is there something wrong with the machine? She said that it can't read it and the USB reader does not work either. She told me I could use the instant printer machine, but I had 150 pictures to print! I did not want to pay the extra $.10 per picture to print them and on top of that, stand there while it printed 150 pictures. I just wanted to drop it off and leave! And it wasn't like it was "out of order" and that they were fixing it, they know it does not work and still do not fix it. I should have asked to talk to a manager or something but I am just not the type of person to complain at the time.. I just seem to vent later. (I need to change that if I want change to happen I guess) I left there so pissed because I hate Walmart and the way they just don't care! The carts are CRAP! The store is DIRTY! The people are UNFRIENDLY! and last time I tried to do a complaint online it made me put in my receipt #, but the printer that did my receipt was so shitty that I couldn't even read the numbers on the receipt! I am now boycotting Walmart and have started the process of downloading all 150 of my pictures to Snapfish. I think that is one reason why people do so much online shopping.. you don't have to deal with "associates" and crappy machines that don't work and dirty stores!

And the sad thing is that it's just not Walmart! There is trash everywhere in parking lots, on the streets, in yards. People drive way too fast and cut you off and there seems to be an overall lack of respect for other people or pride in your work. I don't know if it is a southern thing, but almost every server we have at restaurants are slow, lazy, don't get you what you need and seem to not want to help you. And I am not one to special order too much or send food back or anything like that!

Anyway, I just don't like where it seems things are going and I am not even old yet! I am sure the older I get the worse I will feel about the world. Maybe I will go out this afternoon and will have an experience that will change my mind from this morning.... now that's a good attitude to have! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 mo stats and pics!

So, we had Landon's 4 month Dr's appointment- shots and all yesterday.

He weighs 14lbs, 7oz and is 24.5 inches tall. That keeps him at the 50th percentile for weight and still 25th percentile for height. His head circumference is still in the 50th percentile as well. So growing steadily since his 2 month appointment.

He got a liquid medicine and two shots.. one in each leg. He screamed while they were being performed (of course) but after I picked him up he was just fine. I haven't seen any side effects of the shots so hopefully it will all be smooth sailin'. I am so proud of him and how he is growing. She did say if I wanted to start some solid foods like rice cereal or some veggies, ect. I could or I could wait until the 6 month mark. I am ok with just doing breastmilk for now until he seems like he needs or wants something else but she did reccommend I start him on some vitamins. So I will pick that up at my next shopping trip... But all in all he did great and is right on track! Which makes me a proud Mama to say the least!

Here are some recent pics of my little prince... Enjoy!! :)

Fun in the tub!!!

Fun in the sun on our first swimming adventure!

Looking so grown up in Mommy's rocking chair!

Friday, July 8, 2011

4 months

As with all of my posts, this one is waaaayyyy over due! I am a horrible blogger but I have a hard time setting aside time to do it.

Landon will be 4 months old tomorrow so here is an update..

We go to the doctor on Monday for his second set of shots and he will get weighed so I don't know his current weight, but he seems to be getting heavy and it is starting to hurt my back constantly picking him up and carrying him around.

He can sit up if he is supported. I put his Boppy pillow on the floor and he can sit up pretty good against that and play with toys on the floor.

He still loves his Bumbo, but will only want to sit in it for a few minutes. To make it a little safer having him in it in the kitchen we put it in his wooden high chair that we got from Michele and that way he is more secure in it.

He likes to throw his toys off of the tray on the high chair, but doesn't like the loud sound they make when they hit the floor. He still startles easily but I think we are getting better about that. If he hears a loud noise he looks at me to decide if he needs to cry and I usually try to smile and talk to him so then he will smile too.

I thought we were done with swaddling! He went about a week without being swaddled for naps or at nighttime. Then one night after he had been asleep for about an hour, he started screaming and I could not get him calmed down. I tried the pacifier, rocking him, swaying him, bouncing him.... nothing worked. So I got the blankets out and wrapped him up as tight as I could. I laid him in the crib and he would take his pacifier and within 30 seconds to 1 minute he had stopped crying altogether and was asleep very shortly after that! What the heck!!!! I was so excited at the thought of not having to swaddle him for a couple reasons...1. I feel like I am punishing him because he does not have access to his arms. 2. I pretty much have to do the swaddling or else he comes out of it. 3. Since he is wrapped up he gets hot so I have to keep the AC cooler than I normally would. 4. I want him to be able to sleep without being dependent on it. I guess I will just have to take it day by day.

He puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth and drools constantly.

He does not spit up as much, but now he is drooling all over the place, but I guess that is better than something that smells like sour milk.

We are still breastfeeding and I do not see an end to that in the near future. I have however started trying to give him one bottle a day so that when he goes back to Chanute I will be able to leave him for a little bit. He had been doing ok with them, but I had quit because it was extra work for me to have to pump and then still feed him froma bottle. Then because he wasn't used to them when we tried he would throw fits and refuse the bottle.

He had been rolling over really well from his stomach to his back, but he hasn't done if for a few days. I think he forgot how to do it. He has tried to go from the back to the stomach, but can't quite get there yet.

He makes alot of sounds and smiles alot. He loves the dogs and will smile at them when they walk by. He likes to watch me or Daddy feed Maddie.

He still likes going for walks in his stroller and falls asleep within a few minutes.

We have joined a playgroup and he likes to interact with other babies... especially girl babies! :)

He hates when I am on the computer!! He finds it so boring and squirms when on my lap and cries when I lay him on the bed or on the floor with toys while I do it! Another reason why I don't hardly ever blog or post on Facebook!

Last weekend at Lisa's apartment we took him swimming in her pool. The first day he was ok with the water.. He didn't cry or really smile. The second day he smiled alot and even kicked his legs when I bobbed him up and down and held him on his tummy as I walked him around the pool..

I haven't uploaded pics in awhile so I will post some when I update you with his 4 month stats from his Dr's appt Monday!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kook Kat

I finally broke down and bought Landon some baby shades. So, he had to model them for me, which I got a kick out of....

Hey Dude!!

'Sup Ladies!!!

So long overdue!

As I looked at my last post I realized it has been almost 2 months since my last one!!.. Bad Blogger!!!

So I thought I should fill everyone in. Most of you who read this blog saw Landon in Chanute a few weeks ago, but he has added new things to his list on what he can do! He can now....

* Reach out to grab at the toys haning down from his activity mat arches. There is this monkey that hangs up there by his tail, but if you pull on it it will come down. He likes to pull at the monkey and make the rattles move.

* He is now sitting in his Bumbo seat and likes to be in there when I am in the kitchen working on stuff. (It is a great help to me!! :)

* He doesn't really like to be reclined too much anymore... only certain times like storytime, ect. He would rather be propped sitting upright.

* He has on a few occassions rolled over from his tummy to his back, but can't go from back to tummy yet.

* He smiles alot now and is making more cooing sounds and likes to talk to me.

* He has been making some sounds when he smiles like little laughs, but yesterday he actually laughed out loud like a giggle that lasted for a couple seconds. It really did sound like a laugh. I caught some of it on video, but he didn't go for as long when I got the camera out... so typical! It was hilarious because I think it suprised him that he was making those sounds, so he would get his startled face on then I would smile and that would get him back to laughing!

* He is using his hands way more and is putting them in his mouth, grasping for things and holding some stuff in his hands and taking them from me. He also likes to be kind of grabby while nursing... not such a good thing for me!

* He is sleeping most night from 7:00 pm to about 3:00 am. Then will nurse and go back to sleep until 6 or 6:30. I wish he would sleep later because I am not an early riser, but I can't really complain because he is going to bed at 7:00! He takes about 3 naps a day. I know he is getting up early when he needs a nap by 8:00am! We don't really have a nap schedule or anything, it just kind of depends on how long he naps. I used to be lucky to get about 30-40 minutes out of a nap, but in the last few days he has taken a little bit longer naps. I don't know if it is because he is getting older but I will take it while it lasts.

Did I mention he now liks to stick his tongue out all the time!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

End of the 5th week pics

Landon will be 6wks tomorrow and I have taken a few pictures this past week... You will see a reoccuring theme with these pictures... he is laying on his changing table. I think I have had the camera in there all this week. Also, he is usually always happy when he is on there. I think it is because he is getting so much attention and likes to have his diaper changed. He likes being dressed too, once I put his head through his shirt... He doesn't like that part so much.

Happy Boy first thing in the morning....

In jammies after an evening bath, trying to get him to smile for the camera..

After a nice, soothing bath...

This morning in his duckie outfit.. with crazy hair! (It seemed to be extra poofy today.. I think it might be the humidity?)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1 Month

Landon was 1 month old yesterday! I think it seems like more than that some days and way less others. Becoming a Mommy is the best thing I have ever done and I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful son!

Some 1 month stats:

Weight: 8lbs, 11oz
Height: 20.5 inches

He now has a "pouty" face lower lip and when he cries he has actual tears and sniffles like a big person... evehthough I don't like to see or hear him cry! :(

When he is on his tummy he lifts his head up and legs up like he is doing the "fish" exercises and is getting strong.

He follows you when move objects in front of him.. He is discovering the mobile on his crib (which he is never hardly in) and his swing (which he is in alot).

He is filling out quite nicely and is getting chubby arms and thighs. He has a crease mid-forearm and some roles on his thighs...

He used to hate diaper changes but likes them during the day... but not so much at night.

He is holding his head up alot better and likes to be upright, like with his head up on your shoulder but not hold his head still so it is almost impossible to keep his head from bobbling around!

He has taken his first bottle and is starting to get the hang of it, but he is still nursed 90% of the time and likes it alot better (thank God.. I was worried he would prefer the bottle)

He has on occassion wrapped his fingers in his hair and pulled, which causes him to scream, so I have to remove the deathgrip he has on his hair, and then he calms down! haha

Speaking of hair, his hair is about 1.5 inches long on top if you stand it straight up and hangs down past his collar..I will probably be putting it in a ponytail before he is 6 months old or he gets a haircut.

Landon and Dad taking a nap.... not really, but it is a cute picture!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Newborn Pics

We had Landon's picture taken when he was 6 days old and I have the proofs back!

To view,

I was so happy with how they turned out and really glad that I had them done!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fun in the Tub

So, I have been giving Landon sponge baths for way too long. I just kept forgetting to get him a tub when I would go to Wal-Mart and it was easy to just wipe him off. But he would scream nearly every time I guess because he was cold, so I finally got him a big boy tub! He LOVES IT! The first night I used it Darrin was in the shower and I did not have my camera handy but I wish I would have because it was adorable to see him enjoying the warm water. But last night, we got some pics!

Landon and Mom.. he hasn't gotten the memo yet that he is supposed to look at the camera :)

Enjoying a nice massage

Crazy hair all sudsed up

Friday, March 18, 2011

Changing Every Day!!!

I think he changes every day! Here are some more pictures of him...

Trying out our bouncy seat...

After a feeding...

Getting ready to go to our first Doctors appointment yesterday.... I think he looks sooooo grown up here!!

Birth Day!

So, it has been 9 days since Landon's birthday, but time sure flys when you have a newborn around the house!!

So, we went into the hospital Tuesday night at Midnight to be induced for Wednesday morning. When I went in they were supposed to give me a pill to help my cervix to soften to prepare for the pitocin, but I was already 2cm dilated and they thought it might take me into labor in the middle of the night and they did not want to have to call a Dr. in, so we waited until 5:00 am for that. It was a long night and I did not really get any sleep because of the anticipation for what was to come the next morning. At 9:00 am, my Dr. came in and broke my water and started me on Pitocin. I thought it would hurt when she broke my water, but it really didn't. But, as soon as that was broken and I was on my drip, I could immediately feel my contractions and they were alot worse than any of the contractions I thought I was having on my own in the middle of the night! The Dr. told me I could have my epidural at any time, but I didn't know how long I should wait. They started to get stronger and hurt way more as the time went on. At 10:30 am I asked for my epidural and within 10 minutes the anesthesiologist was in my room to give me that. It did not hurt getting the epidural except for the 3 contractions I had while he was getting it all in and having to stay completely still. But, once that was in within a few more minutes I could feel no contraction pain!!! It was such a relief, but then I started itching in my face and chest. Darrin got me a wet washcloth and I would rub my face with that and it helped alot. Within an hour the itching was gone though and I was doning pretty well. I only had one small bout with nausea and I think that was because my family all came in and were talking and walking around and it was just too much movement for me. But after I threw up once, I was fine after that. The nurse came back in and checked me about 12:15 and I was at 4cm, so some progress but not too much. Then after that I went really fast and by 1:30 I was at 7cm, then at 2:30 I was fully dilated at 10cm. Towards the end I could start to feel my contractions and was in some pain, but not too bad. The nurse said at that point that she could up my epidural meds or stay at the same level. She said if I stayed at the same level I would probably be able to push better and once I was pushing the pressure would go away during my contractions. So, she got me set up to push and 45 minutes later I was delivering my beautiful baby boy! Once his head came out they realized that he was face up and not face down like he was supposed to be for delivery. They were amazed that I was able to push him out so well and not have to have a C-section. I'm really glad that I was able to deliver him on my own. He weighed 6lbs, 15oz and was 19 inches long. He had some bruising on his eyes (from hitting my pelvis), a crazy lopsided cone head full of dark black hair, but to me he was georgous!

March 9, 2011 was a long, tiring day, but was the best day of my life. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy baby. I could not ask for anything better. Darrin was such a great help to me on that day and every day since. He was there for me when I needed him and did such an amazing job helping me through labor and delivery. I could not have done it without him. Since that day, he has been a wonderful father to Landon. He had changed just as many if not more dirty diapers as me and has done more than his fair share of the night-time baby watch. I just know that he is going to be a great Dad!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Due Today!?


Today is the date I have been waiting for since my first doctor's appointment in July. I kind of doubt that I will be having the baby today, but it is still early so I guess you never know. We do have a schedule to induce on Wednesday if he has not came by then. I do not like the idea of being induced, but like knowing that there is an end in sight when we will have our baby. Now, if it does come to the induction, hopefully it will work and I will be able to deliver the baby vaginally and not have to have a C section. I kind of worry about that, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

We are getting really anxious and I can't keep myself busy enough. I am really bored and have nothing to do. I have pretty much cleaned everything that I can and am just wanting to have more fun things to do, but I don't have alot of energy to do much active stuff. I have a feeling that this weekend is going to be tough having stuff to do to keep me busy. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow and Darrin said he would vacuum for me, which wears me out pretty bad. Then we will probably go grocery shopping. I normally go during the week, but for some reason he wants to go, which is not too bad because I won't have to carry all the bags out to the car and in to the house by myself! But I hate Walmart during the weekend. I have gotten spoiled by getting to go during the day on the weekdays when it is less busy.

My mom is going to come on Sunday, so it will be good to have her here to help keep me company for the few days before I deliver.( or to be here in case I go into labor before Wednesday!)

I need to get off my butt and try to find something to do!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Nursery

I also don't think I have put up any pictures of the nursery since we got stuff put in it. It is not finished and is kind of cluttered now because some of the stuff in there like the swing, bouncer and stroller will be other places in the house and we will probably move the glider in there in that corner. I don't have anything for the walls yet but one of these days he will have a name and pictures to put in all the cute frames we have gotten as gifts. Then I am sure that the 6 pictures of Darrin and I in the living room will be replaced with 10 pictures of him. Also, after he arrives, I have 2 more willow tree angels to add to my collection (New Dad and New Life). I just have them in the boxes in the closet right now. I have thought about getting them out but feel like if I do I might jynx myself or something, so I am waiting until I have him to put those out. Ok, that has nothing to do with the nursery... sorry.... Here it is.....

39 week pics

This is my official 39 wk, 3 days photo. I don't think I have been brave enough to show one with a bare belly and if I am going to do it, I better do it soon. I don't think the skin on my stomach is ever going to be this tight nor will it ever be this firm again probably!!!! haha If the sight of huge blue veins, white skin and some mysterious purpleish marks make you sick, please skip over that bare belly picture!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

1 week to go???

So, I have finally made it what is supposed to be the last week of my pregnancy. At my Dr appt on Tuesday I still had not made any progress, but she said that it did not really mean anyting and that I could have everything happen all at once. We have decided that if I don't have the baby by next Friday (the 4th) then we will schedule to induce me probably toward the end of the next week (by the 11th)if I haven't had him already. I am starting to get really anxious about it and that is probably making the time go by slower for me. Last week went by pretty fast because Carol was coming on Thursday and that gave me something to look forward to, but now I don't have anything between now and when the baby comes. I think I just need to relax because ideally I shouldn't have the baby until like next Thursday because (this sounds crazy) but Darrin has a test on Monday and needs to work on some school stuff!
As far as my health goes, I am still doing well, but am just so exhausted from doing nearly nothing. I have really gone down hill this week and have been swelling alot more and have alot of pain in my stomach, groin, legs,and feet when I get up from sitting or laying down in bed.Plus my carpal tunnell is getting worse and my hands hurt all the time!! Yesterday I cleaned house for a few hours in the morning and then went on a quick trip to the grocery store in the afternoon and I was exhausted. I couldn't even finish my housework and all I had to do was vacuum the hard flores which would have taken like 10 minutes, but it was too much for me. So, I rested a bit and took a shower and got into my PJ's by like 5:00. But after resting for a little bit, I was better and was able to work on fixing dinner but went to bed to read by like 8:00. Darrin was kidding about how I might be in labor because I was having abdominal pains and he was asking if I was having contractions. I told him I hoped not because I was too tired to be in labor. It was then that I realized I need to try to not get so tired because I don't want to be worn out before I even get to the hospital. I just feel guilty for just sitting around not doing anything productive because I am home all day, but I may have to start or maybe split up my stuff a little bit. I am also starting to have some nausea again like I did in the first trimester. :(

Ok, enough complaining. It could be alot worse and I am lucky I don't have to go to work and don't have a toddler running around to chase like I will when I have our next baby!!! I'm going try to enjoy this last little bit of being pregnant and it just being Darrin and me!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fun Day out with "The Girls"

Saturday we went on a little day trip to a town about an hour away, Jefferson, TX. It is kind of a historical town with alot of anitque shops, little restaurants and it has an old steam engine train. We thought it would be fun to take the dogs with out on this outing on such a beautiful day. They were even allowed on the train so we got to go for a little ride. I wasn't sure how they (Maddie) would do, they both love to ride in the car, but she did pretty good once she got used to the idea of the noises and everything of the train. It was beautiful weather and we couldn't have asked for a better time!

Me and Foxy

Maddie enjoying the scenery.

Darrin and Maddie just hanging out..

Me and Darrin (and some cute little girl in the seat behind us.)

Me and my "Girls"

Suprise Shower

Last Saturday night Darrin said he wanted to take me out for Valentine's Day (what a sweet Hubbie) but instead of a romantic evening for two it ended up being a suprise baby shower! Darrin's technician, Jen set it all up and arranged for everyone from work and a few other people from the Kennels to meet up at Macaroni Grill. She reserved a private room for us and decorated it up with a banner and balloons. So, needless to say when I got there I was really suprised and very happy that she and everyone had set that all up. We don't have very many close friends down here aside from work and it made me feel really good that they would do something like that for us. She also made a beautiful cake and everyone overwhelmed us with gifts. We had a great time!!!

Darrin with his Daddy Diaper Survival Kit

Having a good time opening our gifts.

Checking out our baby goodies.

My adorable (and yummy) cake!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I thought was something that old people got, but apparently it is something that can happen to anyone, especially pregnant women. I noticed it about 3-4 weeks ago that I had some numbness and pain in my hands and wrists, mainly on the right hand. I thought it would go away but no such luck. The pain is worst at night and in the morning. It is like the feeling when your hand falls asleep and is on its way back "awake" and tingles. That is how it feels during the day when I am not using it but at night it tingles really bad and has a pain that shoots up my wrist and arm to about half way to my elbow. It really sucks and makes it really hard to write, which I a not doing much of right now but still. It's also hard to open up jars, door knobs and hold things and move them like pots and pans. I have read that it commonly goes away after the baby is born because it is caused by swelling and pressure on nerves. I sure hope so, because it will be kind of difficult to hold the baby and do things one handed if it persists. Has anyone had this problem or known anyone that has? Did it go away after birth??

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New to Ebay

So, I have been trying to choose a diaper bag. I don't know why I was having such a hard time with it, but I just couldn't find one! Then I saw a Vera Bradley bag at the BX that I really liked. It was just a tote bag, but it got me to researching them online and I saw that she had baby bags.

I wanted to see one in person so I could get a feel for the size, pockets,etc. So, I found a retailer in Shreveport that sells them and I went in. Well, when I got there they also sold Lug bags.

I really liked the compartments and some of the really "smart" ideas of the Luk Tuk Tuk bag, but I liked the look of the VB bag better and the kind of softness to it. Plus they were the same price (around $100) so I was really torn! (I have never spent more than I think $40-$50 on a purse/bag in my ENTIRE life, but I really like them!!!!!) I wanted both bags but can't justify spending that much! So, I came home and looked online for them. I found the Lug bag on Amazon for $75.00, but I couldn't find the VB bag for much cheaper in the pattern I wanted, until I found a website that linked you to Ebay where a whole bunch of them were sold. For some of you, you might say, well Duh, you should have checked there first, but I have never bought anything on Ebay before. I am really new to the online shopping world. I have never really bought anything before online until I have found a few things for the baby on there from various sites. So, they were starting out at $54.95, which is like half price, so I set up a Ebay account and put in a bid on a bag that had like 10 hrs left on the auction. Well, I was outbid right away and I decided to kind of watch this one auction and see what happens with it to kind of learn how people do it. So, there were 2 people bidding on it and it ended up selling for $62.00. So, I bid on one yesterday. It was between me and another person and we bid it up a few bucks over the course of the day, then in the last 4 minutes is when the excitement started. I had been the high bidder all day, but then I was outbid, so I raised my max bid a little bit, but was outbid automotically which means their max bid was higher than mine, so I raised mine up a little bit and it made me the high bidder, then I was outbid again and in the last 13 seconds I raised my max bid up to $75 which was enough to beat their max bid which was I think $72 and changed the bid to $73 and I won in the end. It was such a thrill and it is kind of funny but my heart was racing and my hands were shaking in those last few moments to see if my bid was high enough. I told myself that I wouldn't go over $70,but in those last few seconds I offered $75 which ended up only costing me $3 more dollars than I wanted to spend and if I would have waited for another auction I probably gotten it cheaper more like the $62. With S&H it cost $80 which it would have cost me about $110 if I would have bought it in the store so it is still quite a bit of savings. Darrin was there in the final moments of my victory and hopes I do not get addicted to auction style online shopping or online shopping in general! haha I am far from it because I do not buy anything that I would not have purchased in the store or things I don't need or (really want). I am actually kind of proud of myself for thinking to check online and get a better deal. If you got one for cheaper, please do no burst my bubble, but if you have any tips for getting the best online deals, please share!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6 more to go???

It has been forever since I posted a picture of me! Please pay no attention to my hair.. which now means that you are probably looking at my hair that looks really dark and has that crappy underneath ponytail hair sticking out all over the place.

So I am at 34 weeks and hopefully only have 6 or so weeks left to go before I have this baby. As much as I think I want the pregnancy to be over, I really can't complain too much about being pregnant. Aside from heartburn, which I have been given the OK to take Zantac for when I need it I really don't have that many bad symptoms. My back does not hurt yet, I am not totally swollen at the end of the day, I can sleep pretty well once I get into a comfortable position. I know all of this can change and probably will before it is all over, I feel pretty lucky so far. Also, I think I just need to enjoy this time of relaxation and preparation because when he gets here, I know it will be a whole different story. But one that I am really excited to start.

My Dr. has been seeing me every 2 weeks since the first of December andI will go back again Feb. 1st. I know they want to make sure everything is still ok, but it seems a little silly to have to go that often up to now. All they do is check my urine, put me on the scale, check my blood pressure and the fetal heartbeat. Then that is about it. I guess if there was a problem I would want to know about it right away, but it just seems a little often. Now at my next appt, she will start the pelvic exams. I am not sure what to expect there but I guess I will find out next Tuesday.

We still don't have a name picked out for this little guy. We have it narrowed down to 3 but of those 3 I don't know which one I want to choose. Actually of those names I am not sure I am really in love with any of them. I did not think it would be this hard for us to come up with a name, but I am really struggling with it! Maybe when we see him we will just know. I didn't have any trouble coming up with names for our lovely Foxy and Maddie and I think those names fit them pretty well don't you think?

Foxy Jo

Maddie May