Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Operation Clean Up and Cleaning Out

How do we get so over run with stuff? I don't know about you but I feel like my life is being taken over with random stuff... most of which I do not use. After trying to cram my groceries in to my pantry and cabinets and get everything under my bathroom sink I decided I am going to clean out the clutter...

Now I don't mean just throwing stuff away; I am challenging myself to USE IT UP!
So instead of buying new lotion, I will use up what I already have.. Who really needs 4 different deodorants in their gear box (my box I keep under my sink of the stuff I use to get ready in the mornings)? I counted, I have 4 deodorants, 4 different hair products that I don't use, 3 special facial creams that I bought for one reason or another that have gotten lost in the shuffle and don't seem to make it in to my routine. That is just the start of it all. I recently got some really good coupons for toothpaste, so I bought 4, when I already had 2 under the sink. It will take me forever to use it up and my house is not set up for stockpiling. I think it is great for people to have stuff on hand that they got for a deal, but it is just not me. I am not set up for that. I like to have about 1 extra on hand but that is about it.

Now my kitchen is another story. I have 3 boxes of partially used granola bars and 3 containers of oatmeal, each which are a bit different and are opened. I just want life to be more simple. I am really trying to clean out the clutter in my house and my life. Clutter makes me anxious. I think that is why I do not like my office in my house. It is too cluttered and things collect dust and look bad and it just bothers me. I want to take care of it but just don't feel like I have a place for it all. Which means I need to spend some time throwing unused items away or donating them if possible and organizing what I need and use to make it more efficient.

I think if I would have saved the money I spent on this stuff that I am begrudgingly (sp?) trying to use up I would have alot more in the bank than I do now and I would appreciate what I have more. But I like to buy stuff! I like the feeling of using something new for the first time. Looking at sale ads and thinking I am going to be stocked up and save a boatload... do I really save when I buy things I don't use or let go bad? Um... no.

The answer?? Do not buy anything that you are going to have to store for a long period of time before using and think if you really need it or could get buy with using something you already have to do the same job. Use up what I have before buying more. This philosophy does not pertain to all things or all people, so if you are reading this and becoming offended, please do not be. This is not my intention. I am just trying to make it public that I will be buying the bare minimum to keep things going and you may be getting partially used bottles of lotion and half burned candles for Christmas! Hahaha :)

This is going to challenge me to create recipes from food I already have and buy very little. I am hoping I can decrease my bill a little bit as well as the clutter in my home.

With Christmas rolling around and what I am sure will be a large influx of new items in my home, I think this is the perfect time to take on this challenge and new mindset.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This post is almost 2 weeks behind, but when we got back from our last trip to Kansas at the end of October, Landon was able to put the arms and legs together and crawl. He has been doing planks, and scoots for quite awhile, but couldn't get the coordination to put one hand in front of the other while moving the knees. The same day that he learned to crawl I discovered his first tooth! I was thinking woah!! slow down... one thing at a time! Now that he can crawl he wants to be everywhere he is not supposed to be. Like on the fireplace bricks pulling on the cover knobs (oh no)and under the bench getting at the cords for the lamp! He is also starting to climb up on stuff, low stuff like his little bouncy/rocking chair, Foxy's steps to her basket (Foxy does not like this new skill of Landon's!!). He has not gotten brave enough to do tall stuff like the couch, etc (yet). I am just waiting for that!

He is eating a wide variety of foods but pretty much refuses to eat green veggies like peas. I need to try him on green beans again to see if he will still eat them. I have even tried to dillute the peas out so much that ther was hardly any in there but he still refuses! Maybe he just doesn't like them... Darrin doesn't like peas so I don't serve them very often by themselves, but use them alot when in mixed vegetables.

We have been dealing with some sleep problems for pretty much the past 2 months and I am on the verge of weaning him off of night time feedings. He must sense this because he has been only waking up one time a night and sleeping in a little later for the past 3 nights. I think he is ready but i will let you know because I will be doing this starting this weekend and am going to be keeping a detailed log of what happens. Wish me luck!!!